研究室のメンバー/Lab Staff

    (2024年7月現在/as of July 2024)

    スタッフ・学生 Title 名前 Name Account
    准教授 Associate Professor 原 祐子 Yuko HARA hara
    研究員 Postdoc 楊 明宇 Mingyu YANG mingyu
    博士課程1年 Ph.D. student (D1) 曾 慶宇 Qingyu Zeng qyzeng
    修士課程2年 Master's student (M2) 比留間 絃斗 Gento HIRUMA gento_hiruma
    修士課程2年 Master's student (M2)   Ruichen MA rcma
    修士課程2年 Master's student (M2)   Jingyu ZHENG jingyu.zheng
    修士課程2年 Master's student (M2) 小川 浩平 Kohei OGAWA kohei
    修士課程2年 Master's student (M2) 山﨑 朝斗 Asato YAMAZAKI asato
    修士課程1年 Master's student (M1) 一岡 知佑 Tomosuke ICHIOKA tomosuke
    修士課程1年 Master's student (M1) 角 颯太 Sota KADO kado
    学部4年 Undergraduate student (B4) 伊勢 賢史朗 Kenshiro ISE kenshiro
    学部4年 Undergraduate student (B4) 小棚木 凜太朗 Rintaro ODANAGI odanagi
    学部3年 Undergraduate student (B3) 中島 正矩 Masanori NAKAJIMA nakaji-m
    訪問学生 Visiting student   Alejandro Casanova MARTIN  

    メールアドレスはアカウント名に @cad.ict.e.titech.ac.jp を付けてください.
    Complete e-mail address: "Account"@cad.ict.e.titech.ac.jp.


    See the page of Theses for the list of alumni.


    Name Period
    Dr. Tanvir AHMED 2014.04 ~ 2017.03, 2022.05~2023.05


    Name Affiliation Period
    Prof. Jason H. ANDERSON University of Toronto, Canada 2014.12 ~ 2015.03

    交換留学生・訪問学生/Exchange Program Students & Visiting Students

    Name Title Affiliation Period
    Alejandro Casanova MARTIN Master's student The Technical University of Madrid, Spain 2024.06 ~ 2024.08
    Hsuan Julie HSIAO Ph.D. student University of Toronto, Canada 2019.07 ~ 2019.09
    Thomas PALAN Master's student Technische Universität Wien, Austria 2019.01 ~ 2019.03
    Chang CHENG Master's student Tsinghua University, China 2018.12 ~ 2019.02
    Ken LI Master's student Xi'an Jiaotong University, China 2018.09 ~ 2019.02
    Youssef TOBAH Undergraduate student University of Texas, Austin, USA 2018.06 ~ 2018.08
    Mariko TATSUMI Undergraduate student University of Toronto, Canada 2018.06 ~ 2018.07
    Joris BENTVELSEN Undergraduate student Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands 2017.09 ~ 2018.02
    Eunsik KIM Undergraduate student Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea 2017.04 ~ 2017.08
    Oxana OOSTERLEE Undergraduate student Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands 2016.09 ~ 2017.02
    Robert DIOSO Undergraduate student Carnegie Mellon University, USA 2016.06 ~ 2016.08